Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Last Minute Freakout

So, I have bright red highlights now.  I'll be going off to boarding school this Saturday, and I'm curious to see how people react, especially my roommate.  All of this is extremely new to me, from the highlights, to the new school, to the fact that I'll be sharing a room with a complete stranger.  Worst of all, lights out is at eleven.  So, no staying up until three in the morning writing.  Well, I suppose I could, but for the first few days, my roommate is bound to be dealing with some pretty terrible jet lag, and I need to help her adjust, not keep her up all night while I work on my book.  It's 12:12 AM, Wednesday, and I haven't even started packing.  What do I bring???  How do I keep it from being wrinkled in my suitcase???  I have no clue how to deal with this kind of thing.  Whenever people ask me how I feel, I answer fairly calmly.  Most people would never guess that I'm freaking out right now.  Plus I'm pretty hungry.  Maybe that has something to do with it.  But still!  Do I bring pictures of my friends?  What will happen to my pet rabbit, Peter, and my rat, Arthur, while I'm gone?  Will my mom remember to feed them?  I hate these last minute freak outs.  I have only a few days before I leave for my first week of boarding school, and it's just now hitting me that this is really happening.  I'm really leaving.  I'm going to be living with a bunch of people I've never met, sharing a tiny room with a stranger, and sharing a bathroom with ten other people.  Oh, yeah.  I am SO ready for this...  My decision to color my hair before I went to school was last minute, too.  I don't know if my family or friends would really understand why I did it.  The person I've been in my hometown?  I want her gone.  People have always seen me as someone they can walk all over and push around.  I don't want that to be the kind of person I'm seen as at my new school.  Luckily, you have to have the best grades to get into my school, so even if I'm still seen as a nerd, I'll be at a place where everyone is a nerd, to some extent.  I'll finally fit in as well as a misfit can.  They have a Creative Writing Club.  Maybe that will help when I have writer's block, or when I feel like people don't really understand this NEED that I have to write.  But a big part of my mind can't think anything right now besides "ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh..."  Like, what if I suck at fencing, or what if I can't run that nine-minute mile?  Scratch that.  There's no "what if" about the running.  I can't do it, and I know I can't do it.  I'm not an athlete.  I'm a writer and an artist.  And I guess that's all I can ever be, whatever people expect of me.

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