Saturday, July 23, 2011

Family or Writing?

One of the hardest things about being a writer is having to make a choice between spending time with your family or writing.  For the past month, I've been stricken with writer's block.  Tonight it's gone, but my family wants me to watch a movie with them.  This happens a lot.  Now I have to decide: take advantage of the ideas forming in my head and risk offending my family, or watch the movie but lose one of the few opportunites I have to write.  I've had to make this choice before, and usually I choose writing over my family.  It's probably not the kindest decision, but it's done with.  Now, should I make up for all the lost time with family, or try to be heartless and continue writing?  I guess I still have a few minutes left before I have to decide, but it's occupying my thoughts.  I know I miss out on a lot of opportunities in life because I choose writing instead of going out and having fun with friends.  Maybe it's time to put writing aside for a while and just enjoy other aspects of life.  But if I do that, will I still have all of these ideas later, or will I be too tired to think, let alone write?  Decisions, decisions, decisions...  Life's full of them - for everybody, not just authors.

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